With all the scientific discoveries over the last century, it is scientifically understood that the universe had a beginning. One view says it was the Big Bang, that nothing created everything, while the other view says it was God that created the universe. That God was the cause that created everything. If we say that God created the universe, the next natural question is, "Who created God?"
Let me give you a few thoughts to consider:
From the scientific evidence we learn this about the supernatural first cause:
You be the judge of who or what is the first cause of the universe. Who or what fits this description beyond a reasonable doubt. Is it...
God is the first cause! Therefore God did not begin to exist so He has no cause or maker. No one created God. We see it described in the book of Genesis 1:1 this way, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." God already existed before He created the universe. God proceeds all of creation. Also God could not be God if He was caused. God would cease to be God if He was created because He would then be a created being like you and me.
So who created God? No one. He is the eternal self-existent, unimaginably powerful, and supremely intelligent first cause of the entire universe and all of life.
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