We offer FREE Bible study resources that are relevant and applicable
for college and young adult ministry.
We offer these studies in a digital format that includes:
The Book of Acts gives us the example of ministering for Jesus on the daily. We find Paul in Athens and Ephesus engaging people in conversations on the daily. The impact of his outreach from Ephesus was that everyone in Asia heard the Word of God and Gospel! How can we minister on the daily? What does that look like?
Paul challenges us to live with the same mindset that Jesus had. Having that mindset will produce four attitudes in life that we should have and live out. This study dives deep into Philippians 2:5-11 and provides doctrinal truths about Jesus and how those truths should be lived out in our everyday lives.
The phrase "But God" changes everything!
This 4 lesson study examines four key passages of scripture where the phrase "But God" has significant meaning for our everyday lives.
Is the church still relevant for today? In this study, we debunk stereotypes about the church and shed light on its purpose, mission, and the role of a believer within it. The church is absolutely relevant for today and is essential for growth in the life of a Christian. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must see its importance because all things important to Jesus, including the church, should be important to us as well.
John chapter 15 contains the last words of Jesus to his closest followers. It has some very powerful truths that are very applicable to our lives today. This chapter challenges believers to be better followers of Jesus in their everyday lives.
Identity formation is a process we all experience with so many voices in our ears trying to tell us who we are. You can discover the real you as you understand what the Bible truly says about your identity.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in the history of the world. This study examines the historical aspect of the resurrection and what the resurrection has produced in the lives of believers.
Students have many great questions about life and the Bible. This study takes six questions that students have asked and answers each from a biblical perspective.
Satan is a real enemy in our world. Understanding what tactics he uses to accomplish his plan is vital for us to defend ourselves against him. This study examines Satan's main tactics revealed in scripture while also providing ways to defend ourselves against each one.
Our world today is filled with hopelessness. This 13 lesson study in the book of 1 Peter will reveal to us why we can have hope and provide a living hope to help us make it through the hard times in life.
There are essential building blocks to having a solid faith foundation in our Christian life. This study walks through each of these faith essentials in a very practical manner with helpful handouts to get students engaged and thinking.
The book of James provides practical teachings on how to live and grow in the Christian life. This Bible study series examines these main teachings and encourages us to be doers of God's Word and not just hearers.
This study dives into the worldview driving abortion and provides both a biblical and logical foundation upon which to understand the abortion issue. It also offers many practical tools to defend the pro-life biblical view and to engage others in meaningful conversations on the issue.
Can we prove that the Bible is God’s Word beyond a reasonable doubt to ourselves and to others? This is a 7 lesson study bulding a solid foundation of what the Bible is in response to this question.
A 4 lessoon study discovering what doubt truly is and learning how to handle doubt when it creeps into our lives.
This is an 8 lesson study examining Nehemiah's life to discover lessons that we can apply to our daily lives to aid us in being better leaders.
This is a 4 lesson study to help us understand which role we are gifted with in witnessing and how that role works in the overall function of leading people to Jesus Christ..
This 6 lesson study focuses on answering the question of "Who am I?" and guiding you into discovering your true identity.
6 lesson study discovering God's purpose in unwelcome circumstoinaces in life.
This 4 lesson study examines how Daniel stayed strong in his faith in the extremely secular society that he lived in.
This is a 12 lesson study that takes young adult's questions and answers those questions straight from scripture. The goal is to discover what God says about each question.
In this 13 lesson study through Matthew 5-7, we dive deep into the pinnacle of Jesus' teachings learning what it really means to walk in His footsteps.
The first eleven chapters in the book of Genesis are the very foundation to everything else in life. This is a two series study consisting of 13 studies each to increase our understanding of life and and help defend our beliefs.
11 lesson study answering student’s questions from the Bible
12 lesson study focusing on hoe to wear and use the armor of God in today's world.
Lessons to help you develop a Biblical approach to relationships and marriage.
11 lesson study in the book of II Peter–(Combined together with I Peter it makes a 26 week study)
13 lesson study from John Chapters 13-17
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