In talking about truth, some people feel that because they believe something, therefore, their belief makes it true. So, do our beliefs in fact make something true? Let's talk about it.
A belief is an idea someone holds about the nature of reality and this idea can be either true or false. It either corresponds with reality which is truth or it does not which is therefore false or not a truth. The good thing about a belief is it can be tested or measured to discover if in fact that belief is true. Just because we believe something it does not make it true and here's why.
- Our beliefs are not the correct measuring stick with which to measure truth.
The facts or reality about the object determine whether it's true or not. It's not our beliefs about the object. It's the actual facts about that object.
- Our beliefs cannot change what is true no matter how sincere we are or how hard we believe it.
An example of that is this: I can believe 2+2=5 but that does not change the fact or the truth that it equals four. I can believe it with all my heart. I can be sincere in that belief but it cannot alter the truth.
- Truth is not dependent on our feelings or preferences. Truth is independent. Truth is discovered, It's not invented. So, our beliefs cannot nor do they create truth. Norman Geisler said this,
"Contrary beliefs are possible but contrary truths are not possible. We can believe everything is true but we cannot make everything true."
Because truth is independent. Truth stands on itself because truth is that which corresponds to its object or reality and truth is true for all people in all places at all times.
So, you can believe something and it be true. You can also believe something and it not be true but just believing something does not make it true.