The answer is a resounding “Yes!”
Yes, God cares about you more than you could ever know. In fact, He left us a book, known as the Bible, to share with us just how much He does love and care for us.
You see, God’s greatest desire is that He could begin a personal relationship with every single one of us, regardless of who we are, where we’ve come from, or what we’ve ever done.
But, the God of the Bible is a righteous God, and we are not. The Bible says that “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” That means that the evil deeds and thoughts that every one of us is guilty of have caused a separation between us and God.
The Bible goes on to say, “For the wages of sin is death...”The penalty, or judgment, for our sin that we rightly deserve is eternal separation from God in a place the Bible calls hell. Sounds awful, and it is.
But the amazing news that I shared with you in the beginning is that God never intended any of us to spend 1 second in that awful place. The verse I just shared with you goes on to say, “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
God knew that we have a sin problem that must be dealt with, and that the penalty is death. So here is what happened- His only begotten Son Jesus willingly came to earth some 2,000 years ago, lived a perfect, sinless life, and offered His very own life on a cross IN OUR PLACE!
What a gift!
Now, the situation is this- like any gift, it has already been paid for by someone else. Jesus paid the price with His own life. Also like any gift, we must reach out to receive it. We don’t work for it or pay for it, because then it’s no longer a gift.
Jesus made the great statement, “Greater love hath no man than this, than that man lay down his life for his
My friend, Jesus, in the ultimate demonstration of love, gave His life so that you could have eternal life in heaven with Him someday. But the choice is yours. It is no accident you are reading this right now. Deep down, you know that what I’m telling you is the truth.
The Bible says that “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
So what are you going to do? Will you walk away in the same condition as when you came here? Or will you, right now, bow your head and accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, asking Him to forgive you, to save you, and to take you to heaven to be with Him someday?
This is the single greatest decision you will ever make- the decision to accept or reject Jesus Christ is sponsored by Collegians for Christ @ North Carolina State University.
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