Hello, my name is Elizabeth Fields, and my story is a little bit different…
While both of my parents grew up in church, I did not. I went a few times to a Baptist church with my Grandmother when I was very young, and then on and off to a Presbyterian church for a few years as a little girl. I had always heard that God is Love and he is the source of our supply, but I never fully understood what that meant. When I started going to school at a Community College in my hometown, I meet a young man who soon turned into one of my best friends. He spent countless hours witnessing to me and guiding me toward the Lord. At the time, I had no idea what witnessing even was. In my mind, I thought he was just very religious and was simply being nice. He gave me my first Bible for Christmas and started inviting me to church, which I reluctantly attended. However, I soon found myself actually enjoying church and started to feel something stir in my soul. One Sunday in church, a strong feeling came over me, that told me I needed to make a change, and at the time, the only thing I knew to do was to pray. So I got up, went to the altar, knelt down, and prayed. I had a sea of people around me, and at the time, I thought I had been saved. However, I only found myself more confused…
We soon found ourselves both attending Appalachian State, where he stumbled upon CFC and immediately immersed himself. It took me a little while to join in….being a new student, I felt scared. But then I started going, and I started learning about the Lord. I have always tried not to be afraid to ask questions and seek help when I was confused. I started attending the local church that Kyle and Amanda are members of, and I immediately felt at home and found my safe and happy place. During one Wednesday night service, our Preacher was talking about being ‘unequally yoked’ and how when two or more people pray together, the stronger it can be. I didn’t even know what ‘unequally yoked’ meant….but, I didn’t like the sound of it. So after church, with tears streaming down my face, I asked my dear friend if he could help me understand what it means to be ‘unequally yoked’, and if he would pray with me so that my prayer would be more powerful. There on the floor of his apartment on September 17th, I got saved. I never knew that I could feel such joy and security.
My life has changed so much since that moment. If it wasn’t for dear friends, CFC, and for Kyle and Amanda, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I have since then been baptized, joined Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, and become an active member of my new home church. I am eternally grateful for the patience and encouragement they showed me. They never gave up on me, and neither will the Lord. I am still learning every day, and since I am human, I also have my struggles; however, I always have God. I always thought that reading the Bible was strange because I never learned how to apply what I read to my life. At CFC, Kyle and Amanda are great at not only teaching from the Bible but also in helping to apply what is learned. Please come if you are looking for friendship, guidance, to learn more about God, or to find your safe and happy place.
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