When: Each Monday @ 6-7pm
Where: Coming Soon!
We are a ministry on the campus of Tennessee Wesleyan University that reaches out to the student body. We meet weekly for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. In our meetings, we dig deep into the Bible and challenge ourselves to serve Him at all costs. Our weekly meetings are in a relaxed atmosphere that encourage discussion and questions. We participate in active outreach into our campus and community plus enjoy fun activities together throughout the year.
CFC is a group of students who love Jesus Christ and desire to serve Him. We take the challenge of the Bible seriously to make an impact in our world and try to live that out in our everyday lives. Our mission is to reach students by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach them life applicable truths from God’s Word, connect these students to other believers and a local church in the area, and for students to be leaders that impact their campus and community for its good. We want students to know what they believe, why they believe it, and where to find it in the Bible. Fairview Baptist Church is the sponsoring church for this CFC ministry.
Come join us for Bible study and see what we are all about!
For more information please contact the CFC Campus Minister Kyle Harrell @ 423-599-3150 - kyleherrell@icloud.com or Austin Brown @ 919-612-1645 - pastoraustinbrown@gmail.com
CFC Campus Minister
Kyle Herrell is a senior, studying youth ministry, at Crown College. His family served as youth leaders in Chilhowie, Virginia, and missionaries in Peru, South America, until his father took over the pastorate of Fairview Baptist Church in 2016. Kyle now serves part-time at the church working with the bus ministry as well as the youth classes.
CFC Campus Minister
Brother Austin became assistant pastor at Fairview in January of 2019. After graduating from Crown College, Austin and his wife, Jessica, served in church and christian school ministry for three years at Gospel Light Baptist Church in Helena, AL. Prior to his arrival at Fairview, he served as senior pastor of the church where he grew up, Five Forks Baptist Church, in Hillsborough, N. Austin and Jessica have three children, Abigail, Andrew, and Jackson.
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