If I told you that a book could write itself you would think that I was either kidding, crazy, or maybe even high on some type of drug. We understand that a book must have an author. Someone to put the letters on the paper that will form the words which will form the sentences which will flow into logical thoughts. The question, "Can a book really write itself?", sounds ridiculous but this is exactly what many humanist and atheists insist. Stay with me here.
The origin of the universe is well known scientifcally to have come into existence at a particular point in time. The universe is not eternal but created. One view is that the universe and life originated at the Big Bang. They claim this Big Bang occurred from nothing. The idea that nothing caused everything. When speaking about the first single-celled life on earth they claim it was produced by nothing. Interestingly, in a single cell there is enough understandable written information in its DNA to fill roughly 1,000 encyclopedias! Since they claim this DNA and information was created by nothing they are in essence saying that books write themselves. Not just one book but a 1,000 books! We understand logically that all books have a creator which we call an author.
The other view to the origin of life is that an intellgent designer, God, created the universe at a specific time and place. There would have been a big bang as He spoke everything into existence. The important point is that the vast amount of information that we find in the DNA of a single cell had to written by an intelligent being. It was written by an author and that author was God, the creator of it all.
Now it is up to you to be the judge and decide which view has evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Which view is logical and does not defy natural laws:
1. That nothing produced something. That a book (DNA) created and wrote itself.
2. An intelligent designer (God) created life and was the author that wrote the all the information we find in DNA.
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