How great is our God? How much greater than great is He?
There is no word I could speak to capture Who He is because He, simply and infinitely, is uncontainable! In every second I seek to thank Him, to sit and dwell on Who He is, to connect what He does in my life with what He’s promised. It’s all so high above all that I can think and imagine. My God is faithful, my God is true, my God is sovereign, my God is… good.
Because He is good, do not forget what He has told us. Do not forget the protection He’s promised, the comfort He provides, and the commands He’s established. We were rebellious, lost from Him, and He found us. Since that glorious day, He has grown us. Now He calls us to go forth and disciple, sharing His Gospel with the ones who are in the very place we were.
As you live for Him, remind yourself and tell others: Our God will never let us go. The enemy tries to take us from Him, but ultimately your dwelling with Him depends on you. Christ has promised those who remain in Him that He remains in them. This has nothing to do with salvation, our salvation is certain, but this has to do with life.
Do you want your life to be lukewarm? Do you want to devote yourself to God on Sundays and be broken every other day?
When we remain in Christ every moment we will be attacked, we will be tested emotionally and physically, we will be confused in the unknown; but the key is that we have the living God abiding within us. When you have the Lord of all creation within you, filling you with all that you need (remember the difference between what we want and what we need), you immediately are in the safest position you ever could be. We may see the arrows fly past us and be in fear, but that’s all they will do… fly past you. With the living God on your side no weapon formed against you will prosper. With the living God on your side you have all that you need.
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