Matthew 6 provides incredible insight into the secret parts of living for God. We are called by Jesus to do alms in secret, pray in secret, fast in secret. We are practically called to do all things in secret for the Lord. When we look at it, this isn’t a list of things to do as much as a command to live in that secret place; whatsoever we do, let us do it sincerely for the Lord and not for the approval of man. When we pray, don’t pray to satisfy the ears of others. When we fast, don’t do so to establish a reputation. When we give, don’t even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, give from a generous unconditional heart.
The idea of living in this secret place is a sort of finding God in solitude. We must come to a point where we realize that, though we are relational beings, we cannot rely on others but must be firstly fully satisfied by the Lord. Our cups overflow by the fountains of Him. He doesn’t fill us half way and expect us to do the rest, He is our All in all.
It may seem like the answer to loneliness is surrounding us by more people, or even finding that one person, but that thought process will quickly lead to disappointment. It’s a good thing to desire fellowship, but it is a godly thing to live in that secret place fully content with the Lord.
Arguably the most beautiful way we can live our lives is going to God first in every situation. To run to Him with joy as a little child excited to talk to Him. To go to Him with our burdens knowing that only He can comfort us. To seek wisdom in Him alone Who provides.
He is the Creator King, the great I Am, the omnipotent Lamb. Christ our Savior, all powerful, in the form of a precious babe, finishing the work of salvation in sacrificial perfect completion.
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